Blairgowrie Town Hall
14 Brown St, Blairgowrie and Rattray, Blairgowrie PH10 6EX
On 23rd January 2024 I was diagnosed as being neurodivergent which was kind of a surprise to me, funny enough not to anyone that knows me. Although surprising this pretty much answered my full life and why I am the way I am. So come join me in a show where I’ll give you a 1st hand insight from my delusional eyes to what goes on in my ever expanding mind with stories of how I’ve manage to survive through a life of total confusement to how and why I now prefer to be alone, mostly!
Meet & greet included.
Age limit: 16+
Coming soon Neil Skene Exposed.
Thankfully this show title is metaphorical rather than literal!for
2 nights only, Neil is bringing his solo show to Breakneck Comedy, he will lay himself bare and promises to expose anddispel some truths and myths about living with sight loss in a world he isforced to share with the sighted!
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